SH 288 Tollway

REL served as the Independent Quality Firm (IQF) performing inspection and testing for this $1.03 billion project.

The project

This $1.03 billion project, located in Harris County, Houston, TX began in 2016 and ended in 2022.The project involved new construction of 10.3 miles of two-lane toll lanes in both directions, with three major interchanges, along with direct connectors, ramps, frontage roads and general purpose lanes including flexible and rigid pavements.  Project will include 40 new bridges and the rehabilitation of 13 bridges, totaling 1.8 million sq ft of bridge deck and 412 spans. The new toll lanes had to be constructed in the middle of the existing general-purpose lanes without compromising flexible access and egress for drivers in these managed lanes.

Our work

·  Testing involved more than 450,000 CY of soils, over 40,000 CY of PCC, and more than 19,000 CY of aggregate.

 · There was 30,000+ inspections of structures, embankments and pavements, including but not limited to 5,382 concrete substructures, 11,051 reinforcement for concrete, 2,527 Drilled Shaft Foundations, etc.

 · REL performed inspection and testing of the construction of 40 new bridges and the rehabilitation of 13 bridges, totaling 1.8 million sq. ft of bridge deck and 412 spans.

 · The new toll lanes were constructed in the middle of the existing general-purpose lanes without compromising flexible access and egress for drivers in these managed lanes.

 · REL fulfilled the environmental training provided by the environmental team, making aware their team about environmental restrictions, work windows and permitting and drainage per Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans.

 · REL has utilized 438 Engineering Judgments (EJ) todocument minor variances.  All EJ’s arediscussed and concurrence is attained from the TxDOT Project Manager as theproject progresses.