Rodriguez Engineering Laboratories LLC provided quality acceptance sampling and testing for this $200 million project.
The project consisted of an 11-mile stretch of MoPac between Parmer Lane and Cesar Chavez Street. This11 mile project will provide one express lane in each direction of traffic and the addition of 7 miles of sound wall.
· This project included testing of more than 115,000 tons of Item 3268 Type Bmixes, 86,000 tons of Item 3268 PFC surface course.These mixes were being supplied by three plants.
· Testing included more than 8,000 compressive strength tests and more than 2,000 tests for air content, slump, and temperature on this project.
· Testing included more than 900 moisture density tests on embankment and flexible base. REL has also run more than 30 proctors and 7Triaxial compression tests